Opening act (7:30-8:15): Jon Silpayamanant
Presents The Global Cello, works by Southeast Asian composers for solo cello
"Hanuman, The Monkey King" A Shadow Puppet Opera by Saw Peep
Intercultural Ensemble.
Mixed media projection event with Live Shadow Puppets interspersed with prerecorded animated puppet footage.
Saw Peep
Musicians and Puppeteers:
Jon Silpayamanant - various instruments, vocals, puppets
Gregory Acker - Asian flutes, puppets
Meena Atif Khan - sitar, gongs
Divya Karthikeyan - vocals, percussion
Helen Holifield - percussion, puppets
Sheryll Impellizeri - violin, Asian fiddles, percussion
Chelsea Getty - cello, Asian fiddlesDenise Collins-Martinez - oud
Roxell Karr - projections, percussion, keyboardKasym Modogaziev - guitar